On the relevance of the national question in an imperialist country
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- 28-12-2023 23:11:20
The Turkish port operator Yilport Holding is challenging workers’ rights in several countries.
Rally for the dockers in the port of Oslo on 22nd June 2015. © CC-BY-NC JRSFor more than a year and a half, dockers in Norway have been struggling in a number of ports for their union rights, for their jobs and to establish or defend collective bargaining agreements (CBA). In the port of Oslo, their opponent is not only the Norwegian Employers’ Association (NHO), but even more so the Turkish operating Company, YILPORT, part of the Yildirim Group.
It is not foreigners, Muslims or immigrants who pose a threat to our national values. The threat comes from big capital and its parrots in government and parliament.
Not only do the governments of capital steal the treasures of the nation and the people, they also trade the loot if given the opportunity. For them the concept of “nation” is merely a tool for creating support for Norwegian imperialism and its pursuit of new profitable markets. But the interests and sentiments of the Norwegian people and the working class are contrary to those of the political and economic elite that play up to the popular masses while they at the same time plunder us to the bone.
Former Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Jens Stoltenberg has been appointed next Secretary General of NATO.
The Norwegian right-wing Government of Erna Solberg, as well as the Labour party leadership itself, are bursting with pride on behalf of the Norwegian administration as well as that of the Labour Party. The neo-liberalist rightist government has been actively lobbying in order to ensure that Mr. Stoltenberg, supposedly a political opponent, would replace Danish Anders Fogh Rasmussen in Bruxelles.
But the Norwegian people have no reason to rejoice Stoltenberg becoming the front-runner for NATO's "Drang nach Osten." His assignment is to spearhead an aggression eastwards, which in the worst case could end with another major European war. A Norwegian Secretary General of NATO will mean that Norway to an even greater extent than hitherto will spearhead this expansive alliance when it engages in new wars of aggression. It will bring about even more NATO-subservient media, more militarization and more looting of taxpayers' money.
On July 22nd 2011, Norway experienced the worst massacres since the Nazi occupation during World War II. A total of 77 people, most of them youngsters attending the summer camp of the Social Democratic Youth League (AUF), as well as some civil servants and bypassers in the government locations in Oslo, were slaughtered in these terrorist actions.
One of the damaged governmental buildings in central Oslo the day after the bombing.The culprit was a Norwegian fascist, Anders Behring Breivik (32), with social roots in the better-off class district of Western Oslo and a former member of the Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet), an ultra liberalist right-wing party with an electoral base of around 20 percent.
Norway was on July 22nd 2011 site of the worst terrorist attack in the Nordic countries since the Second World War, perhaps the most systematic slaughter of young people ever in recent history.
The death toll is so far estimated at around 80 people, out of which 68 are mainly youth who attended the summer camp of AUF (The youth organization of the Social Democratic Labour party).
Now we know that it was not fanatical Islamists, but the blonde, conservative westside boy, business founder, freemasoner and former Progress Party member Anders Behring Breivik (32) who was responsible for the bomb in Oslo and the massacre of 85 young AUF-ers on Utøya. A crime he has now confessed to have committed.
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