On the relevance of the national question in an imperialist country
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- 28-12-2023 23:11:20
The proposed Service Directive (The Bolkestein-directive) is a designed recipe for social dumping. Therefore, the workers of Europe must stand united against this new attack upon our rights from the United Europe of Capital (EU).
The large Norwegian monopoly in paper industry, Norske Skog, is continuing its «shareholder policy» of closing down Norwegian and European paper mills.
Now it has launched an offensive to shut down the profitable mill Union in the city of Skien, a traditional centre for Norwegian processing industry. 380 jobs will disappear.
A new contingent of Norwegian troops are these days being sent to Afghanistan to participate in the US military endeavour named «Operation Enduring Freedom».
The exact number of troops is kept secret, and the participation is in itself a violation of the Norwegian consitution, which prohibits Norwegian soldiers from being subjugated to orders from a foreign country. Even so, this military contribution has yet again been endorsed by the Parliament, including the Social-Democratic «opposition».
Norway is also contributing forces and logistics to the NATO-led ISAF-force in Afghanistan.
The anti-war movement has repeatedly protested against this act of servility towards the US of A.
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